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This keyframe animation was my final project for an introductory After Effects animation course I took at UC. Using the basic tools of the program, I wanted to create a vaporwave-inspired animation that encapsulated the energy of the song I chose to incorporate.


The process behind this animation was a play-by-ear situation; I listened to the song and played around in After Effects until I achieved the results I wanted. I used varying methods of animation in this project like track mattes, puppet warping, and sound waves to compose an animation that focused heavily on how scenes transition from one to the next.

I made a note to create scene transitions as seamlessly as possible to allow for continuous, fluid animation that followed the rhythm of the song. Without a step-by-step workflow in place, I had fun experimenting with the program while improvising each part of the final video.

Frame Sample 1
Frame Sample 2


Animating this video was a fun and impromptu process that gave way to heavy improvisation. I played with layers and special effects to create compositions that were dynamic and reflective of the vaporwave 80's vibe I had initially wanted to incorporate.

I utilized the z-space in an attempt to give the viewer the feeling that they are traveling through this space, getting thrown from one composition into the next as they go on this journey of surreal royalty-free vaporwave music.


Animator:  Johnathan Briar

Music: "Above All" - HOME

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